Attempted Connection ECC Councillors
Latest mail first then back to snail mail to councillors 25.6.2018
E-mail 30.6.2018
LS1 / The relevance of the Local Plan to the Goffin Land Green Tourism Proposal
Dear Councillors,
Following my letter of last week
On the basis that LS1 policies of the Local Plan for the Goffin Land area are valued as a guide to the aspiration of the Exeter Labour Party.
I note key extracts and their relevance to the project which is to create environmentally responsible tree houses, cabins, lodges with welfare facilities for all year round availability in very sensitively located spaces on a working farm.
The green tourism facilities will be synergistically linked to the overall Goffin Land project which seeks to open the door to practical knowledge of wide ranging aspects of sustainable regenerative farming, woodland management, permaculture / organic growing, eco sanitation, green building, energy efficiency and renewables all linked to healthy living and wellbeing.
There are 96 acres of meadow and woodland and the overall project is envisaged as low key with dispersed activity spread over the year. The intrinsic merit of the gently rolling hills and the ecological integrity of the biosphere will enhanced not harmed. There will be extremely limited visual impart apart from an occasional tipi or marque.
The eco accommodation business will be a major financial input to the allied activities causually related to the attraction of Goffin Land as a green tourism destination. It will facilitate drawing people from UK and Europe to Exeter for third party organised educational / learning events that Goffin Land could host. These potentially range from specialist youth mindfulness teacher training courses, third age health and wellbeing courses, healthy food preparation / cooking courses to physical fitness and eco building techniques.
What will the eco visitor accommodation do for the overall project?
Create a stable corner stone, financially and philosophically, in the development of the regenerative farming and auxiliary activities. Be a beacon in marketing the Goffin Land project and provide essential accommodation for educational, therapeutic and recreational activities. Provide additional income for local workers synergistically engaged in allied activities and events to be featured as attractions for the overall Goffin Land project.
The opportunity for the last EU economic support grant for the South West is open and I have applied for the tourism infrastructure facility which offer 40% of capital cost to successful applicants. Naturally planning permission is essential.
Relevance to LS1
Biodiversity [11.18] [11.19]
Background notes for your information:
It should be noted that the land is hilly grade 3 agricultural with clay based soil that has been trashed by tenants over 30 years. It is not, as specified in the Structure Plan policy C014, “the best and most versatile agricultural land”. However the objective is to make the land as agriculturally / horticulturally productive through ecologically responsible permaculture inspired practices
Existing and projected Natural England grant support for Goffin Land is anchored on all points relating to the conservation of the natural environment in the Local Plan LS1 including:
* Chemical free farming, horticulture and market gardening combined with a long term regenerative farming strategy focused on rebuilding soil structure and nutrient content.
* Conservation and enrichment of field hedges, the meadows, woods and goyles of Goffin Land. In co-operation with Natural England a revitalisation of the swards is planned to create legume and herb rich grazing meadows. This provides for deep rooted growth that will offer support for birds and other wildlife.
Notes on heading at 11.20 follow describing existing and projected benefits related to the Goffin Land overall project.
LS1 states at 11.20
Nature conservation and the protection and creation of a healthy natural environment is beneficial in many ways. A diverse and healthy natural environment is good for people, local communities, social stability and the economy. Benefits include:
Scientific study;
Farming / horticulture. Small farms need to be innovative in application of new and rediscovered techniques and processes plus use of new technology and equipment both in regeneration of soil and habitat and in adapting to climate change. All essential for the sustainability of the small farm sector.
* The overall project is linking with Landbase [] in this area including research into water management, sward enrichment for biodiversity and sustainability along with a wide range of related issues.
* Professor Shepherd at Exeter University is a specialist in soil studies and is interested to co-operate to further his scientific research as well as sharing the knowledge in educational events on Goffin including sustainable methods of regeneration and enrichment of the structure and nutrient value of the soil on Goffin Land.
* Potential educational links are developing with Greenpeace Exeter University Research Unit related to the above.
* Greenpeace Research Exeter University for monitoring pesticides in air, water quality from Pin Brook and potentially bee research from hives in process of being established on Goffin Land.
* Possibilities of linking with other Exeter University departments for social, therapeutic, psychological study of utilising outdoor activity as an alternative to pharmaceutical and office based counselling. In the immediate term this depends on funding not yet sought.
Community access;
* Under the umbrella of the Biophilia Community Association, Muddy Mums and Dangerous Dad forest school events were trialed in 2017. Funding is required with respect to the local Mincing Lake catchment area. Understanding of the benefits of forest school activity and location proved a barrier. Co-operation with Eastern Fields to open doors is a potential but this is long term as is similar potential with Devon Wildlife Trust.
* Educational, recreational and therapeutic activities are planned including scouts and a permaculture course set for October. Engaging the residents of Beacon Heath / Pinhoe / Whipton has proved difficult and needs adequate funding as it is non commercial activity. Trials are planned for activity events including fitness, yoga etc.
It is envisaged that co-operators with the Biophilia Community Ass. will be available to assist in non commercial activities targeting those in need of a helping hand in the neighbourhoods just below Goffin Land.
Light but targeted footfall for specific activities is envisaged.
Educational use;
* A major objective is to share knowledge gained in researching and applying new and rediscovered practices to regenerate the soil and meadows on Goffin. I am working with Landbase who’s principle organiser is currently the manager at River Cottage Farm Axminster.
* It is planned to develop an ongoing co-operative research and development relationship both regards farming / husbandry and horticulture as the basis for courses and workshops to be held on Goffin.
* The Biophilia Community Association is focused on potential to engage with local people, the young, single parents and ex service personnel in particular. “Education” in the sense of engaging people in therapeutic, heuristic activity across the board is a major goal of the overall journey on Goffin Land. Funding for early stage physical and mental health support has been cut to be bone over recent years but is very much part of the overall identity of the project. (This is separate from the eco accommodation enterprise but will receive support from the commercial activity)
* Engagement with local schools is again separate from the eco accommodation enterprise. I’d be pleased to discuss with councillors potential to engage with schools / youth and have been encouraged by academics at Exeter University including Greenpeace who express interest in “taking the massage out there”. This however is low key engagement but all part of the learning experience.
Improving the character of the area;
* The land is now home to a large number of insects and bird life. Five years ago it was largely devoid of this life. The core objective to make the land a beautiful bio-diverse oasis for nature and to share that with people within the farm / countryside rural setting i.e. not to create a theme park thus in fitting with the next LS1 requirement
Enjoyment by the general public of nature conservation sites (except where access would be detrimental to key wildlife interests);
* This will be a major aspect of sharing knowledge and encouraging people to align more closely with nature – the biophila relationship.
Non-participatory benefit
* It is envisaged that knowledge of the ethos and activities on Goffin Land will stimulate awareness and interest in idea of biophilia and the related healthy food, permaculture, therapeutic, wellbeing aspects of the Goffin Land journey. It is hoped longer term to develop small food box schemes for delivery in Exeter. This activity will rely on knowledge and approval of the efforts on the land.
* With Exeter forecast to be one of UK’s fastest growing cities (Gross value added) the eco lodge / green tourism project can highlight “value added” of a broader social / ecological significance.
*Goffin Land can positively contribute to the image of Exeter as a forward thinking city with an attractive environment coupled to a budding social eco – economic framework.
Economic investment
* The project requires significant investment. The SW Growth Grant will be a significant contribution. It will create jobs and better paid ones if the RPA grant application is successful along with planning approval from ECC. However it is hoped that the project engages / co-operates with local residents where ever possible
Green tourism
* The project is to create environmentally responsible tree houses, cabins, lodges with welfare facilities for all year round availability in very sensitively located spaces on a working farm.
* The green tourism facilities will be synergistically linked to the overall Goffin Land project which seeks to open the door to practical knowledge of wide ranging aspects of sustainable regenerative farming, woodland management, permaculture / organic growing, eco sanitation, green building, energy efficiency and renewables all linked to healthy living and wellbeing.
[28.06.2018] 38 St Leonards Avenue Exeter EX2 4DL – Tel 07985 065224
Proposal for Change for 96 acres of farm land at EX4 inline with aspirations expressed in ECC Local Plan LS1
Dear Cllr
Briefly, as I know you have little time to read kilos of documents:
I’m advised by ECC Planners to approach ECC politicians regarding a pre app for a “green tourism” project auxiliary to a farm/educational enterprise I’m developing on Goffin Land EX4
An introduction follows to overall project which echos the aspirations of the Labour Party Local Plan. I trust it will be of interest. Attached details of eco tourism proposal re SW Growth grant application.
As political representatives it seems appropriate to refer you to issues that are core concerns & motivations for my activity on Goffin Land.
Small farmer food production in UK is shrinking due to corporate market control and cheap imports. Cheap is measured by UK price tag not the heath and wellbeing of British consumers eating nutritionally poor foods filled with sugar, fat, salt and chemicals. Cheap is measured by price tag not by the effects on indigenous peoples of Africa, S America or Asia where toxic chemicals and employment laws are lax. Or the loss of UK local jobs and livelihoods. Or the environmental expense of transportation including the much publicised effects relating to climate change.
Not trying to teach my grandmother to suck eggs – I know the Labour Party, locally and nationally has policies on these enormous issues. Think globally act locally is a theme I’ve adopted as you have in serving the local communities to the best of your abilities within the system, seemingly structured, to make your lives and Labour Party policies as difficult as possible.
Goffin Land and my aspirations for it, offer sound possibilities for acting locally in relation to the issues outlined above. My base project, small scale regenerative farming is challenging in light of the above mentioned corporate control of food. A therapeutic “care farm” with forest school arena is virtually impossible without grant funding.
Therefore I seek to create synergistic allied activities to stimulate and support social, research and educational aspects of the overall project.
I seek support related to planning permission for the project. I’ve applied for the 40% SW Tourism Infrastructure Grant. If available along with planning consent, it will give an unrepeatable lift to the overall project on Goffin Land.
I recognise the weighty effect of history for councillors being approached by a stranger seeking support re planning issues. I’ve sought to use the planning system and the power of the Local Plan to get approval for various permissions necessary for the project’s success. However I’m advised by ECC Planners that Local Plans are intended as a barrier to development rather than a guide. I’m advised to seek political support in the first instance and thus this missive.
I’m not a natural lobbyist and wanted to avoid the relationship of seeking political support but am advised that I must seek your active approval. I’m someone who believes that “another world is possible” and committed to “act locally” as best I see able to open the door to routes towards that other more enlightened world.
I hope you will have a look at the project to understand the potential.
I’m going to e-mail details of planning requirements with some notes from LS1 as it relates to Goffin Land. I trust these will explain the benefit to Exeter of the charted course I’ve set for the land. Naturally I will be delighted if you have questions and or would like to visit Goffin Land to see for yourself.
Kind regards
Attached to above:
Green Tourism Project details incl grant application outline
The project is to create environmentally responsible tree houses, cabins and lodges with welfare facilities for all year round availability in very sensitively located spaces on a working farm.
The SW Growth application includes 3 tree houses. 5 two person and 5 four person timber cabins. These will be to mobile / caravan specification not fixed to the ground or connected to sewage systems. They will be build of durable local timber by local craftsmen/women to a high ecologically responsible standard.
It is also desired to build a reciprocal framed round house with 50% cordwood / bottle walls – i.e. half the wall space open to the elements.
There will be need for shower / washing-up dishes facilities of timber, possibly log construction.
Examples of the style of construction are posted on the Goffin Land web site. There is also an example of a stone age dwelling posted however this would be a future phase dependent on the economy both locally and nationally.
The green tourism facilities will be synergistically linked to the overall Goffin Land project which seeks to open the door to practical knowledge of wide ranging aspects of sustainable regenerative farming, woodland management, permaculture / organic growing, eco sanitation, green building, energy efficiency and renewables all linked to healthy living and wellbeing.
What will the eco accommodation do for the overall project?
Create a stable corner stone, financially and philosophically, in the development of the regenerative farming and auxiliary activities. Be a beacon in marketing the Goffin Land project and provide essential accommodation for educational, therapeutic and recreational activities. Provide additional income for local workers synergistically engaged in allied activities and events to be featured as attractions for the overall Goffin Land project.